A century old dynasty, tethered to many worlds. United by their beliefs and brought together beneath the night sky, Stormrift dates back many generations, leading by the strengths of their back and spirits of their heart.

inspiration pulled from Norse Valhalla, GoT, and Havir.
created by rue with the assistance of hanna & fall.

the stars will guide



loyalty, devotion, strength.

Suffering great losses in the past, there is an unbreakable bond among the pack members. Loyalty to the pack is not simply a choice; it's an unwavering commitment that runs through their very veins. It extends far beyond mere allegiance. It is a fierce dedication to the well-being of the entire pack. To betray one's own is unthinkable, for it is to betray a part of oneself.Each member commits their heart and soul to the pack's survival and prosperity. They hold their heads high with pride, not in arrogance, but in recognition of the collective strength of their pack. Similarly, selfishness is widely frowned, especially in times of scarcity. Sharing their resources and guarding each other's young is both expected and respected.Living within some of the coldest territories one can find, there is little room for the weak in Stormrift. They are firm believers of carrying your own weight; and a wolf is expected to serve the pack the best they can, but that strength should extend to one's character. It is more than physical, giving mental fortitude and determination. It allows them to remain steadfast, even in the face of adversity.


Marriage, Reproduction, Bastardry;The unification of two wolves is a sacred tradition in Stormrift. Regardless of who the two wolves may be, Stormrift does not withhold the right to love and marry. They cannot and will not condemn someone based on their lover, regardless of their personal feelings; those who do are scorned for such immaturity and close-mindedness.Though marriage is nearly never denied, there are certain ethical boundaries they will not cross, such as incestuous relations and inappropriate age gaps (marrying off children.)The birth of pups and the welcome of new blood are blessings to Stormrift, but it is required that a parent approaches the Varghona and Kolega if they want to conceive. Breeding is typically regulated to ensure that litters are born during the more favorable seasons when food is more abundant so the young have a better chance of survival. It is to mitigate the challenges posed by the unforgiving environment and ensure that the pack's future generations are given an easy start in life.Children born outside of wedlock or affairs are naturally looked down upon by society due to strong marital values regardless of heritage. Nobles are not exempt from this rule either, and illegitimate litters born from royal blood are rescinded from inheritance as a result of their impurity, only excused if they are forcefully conceived.


Guided by the stars, Stormrift's religion is deeply rooted in the celestial realm and the connection between their living and dead. Their faith is built upon the belief in the realm of Valhalla, often referred to as Paradise. This celestial plane is a place of eternal peace, where the departed souls find solace in their deaths and are given the opportunity to serve as guardians and advisories to the living.

Moon & Stars

According to Stormrift's teachings, the stars serve as permanent connections between the living and the departed, creating an unbreakable bond that allows the living to maintain a spiritual link with their ancestors and fallen companions.The dapples of light scattered across the midnight sky hold immense significance in Stormrift, viewed as their loved ones watching over them from the heavens. Through this embodiment, the fallen are thought to be reunited with their old friends, offering guidance and exchanging whispers of hope. Their presence is cherished as a constant reminder of the lasting impact the deceased have on the lives of those left behind.They are believed to whisper and smile down upon the living, particularly old friends or family. These messages can be seen as guidance or soft pleasantries, though widely interpreted. The whispers instill hope, healing, and a sense of relief to the grieving, offering them peace where it could not otherwise be found.


The pillars upholding their kingdom's foundation, House Brehn is an ancient bloodline made of northerners with a reverence for the night. Regarded as sacred throughout the kingdom's history, they are true nationalists with strong ties to their culture and home. Dating back eleven generations, there has never been a time that a Stormborn child has not sat the throne.Creators of their house words, "the stars will guide", House Brehn are not only the founders of their kingdom but their religion as well. Believing in various deities, it wasn't irregular to see several days at a time devoted to ceremonies or cultural rites to celebrate their gods and their beloved winter. Their faith is unquestionable, devising a doctrine now deemed national, native to them.

A bloodline begun by King Athamore and Queen Winterfell after the siege of the northern-most territories, wolves of House Brehn, also known as 'Stormborns', are easily distinguishable among their home.Wolves of House Brehn pride themselves on their mannerisms and culture, placing great value on their history. They are highly spirited and spiritual individuals, known for their adaptation to the north.Residing in the colder regions, Stormborn wolves are characterized for their muted coats with darker colorations, paired with thick fur to stand the ice-laden vale. They are meticulously bred, frequently utilizing arranged marriages to ensure the continuation of their lineage.


the sacred

Varghona - 1 {Aruna}
The Varghona is the supreme leader of Stormrift, topping all other ranks in power. A noble seat, it is only gained only via inheritance and represents the highest authority. They provide guidance, make important decisions, and ensure the well-being and prosperity of the pack.
Kolega - 1
The royal consort and chosen mate to the Varghona, the Kolega is tasked with overseeing the pack's growth and well-being. Though they do not hold the highest position, they are extensions of the Varghona and held to the same standards with the same responsibilities as their counterpart.
Valyara - 1
In tradition with primogeniture, it is often the firstborn child from the Varghona's first litter that becomes the Valyara. The chosen successor, they are groomed for leadership and designated to inherit the mantle of sovereignty regardless of gender or identity. They receive comprehensive education and training in matters of governance, diplomacy, and the spiritual aspects of Stormrift's faith.
Förtrogna - 3
Esteemed advisors, mainly to the ruling sovereigns. They offer counsel, wisdom, and expertise, helping the leaders make informed decisions. Their insights are highly respected and play a crucial role in shaping the direction of Stormrift.
Valkyrie - 3 [female exclusive]
Religious leaders and warriors in their own right, the Valkyries embody the strength, skill, and valor of Stormrift. Additionally, they assist in religious settings, particularly burials.

the faithful

The Beserkers, true to their name, are the dedicated protectors of Stormrift. They symbolize strength, courage, and resilience, standing as guardians against potential threats. Their presence ensures the safety and security of the pack.
An easily identifiable role, an Archer is tasked with overseeing the hunting and bringing prey to the pack. They lead in procuring food and resources, ensuring that everyone remains well-fed. They are occasionally used as scouts.
The most nurturing of the roles, the Lakaré are typically the most knowledgeable of wolves. Their primary focus is medical, providing care to the injured and ill using medical herbs to treat wounded packmates.
The rank of learners; deltas are mostly juveniles who are undergoing training.
New arrivals to Stormrift, without an echelon or task. Those who've proven capable are given task upon request, others become deltas and under-go training.


A kingdom of old, Stormrift has stood strong in the northern-most territories for years at a time. Stormrift's followers often seek higher ground, such as mountaintops or sacred elevated places, to be closer to the stars and the celestial realm. From these vantage points, they can better perceive the whispers and smiles of their departed loved ones, reinforcing the bond. As a result, Stormrift seeks to claim the northern-most territory.Stormrift's Pinterest Board.